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一、存在问题及解决方法钨极电弧点焊方法具有设备简单、操作灵活,可单面点焊等优点,已应用于碳钢、钛材及其有色金属的单面点焊工艺中。采用钨极电弧点焊方法点焊电枢绕组引线与换向片,由于引线端部绝缘层即漆薄膜涂层的受热蒸发,导致钨极使用寿命短,溶池金属飞溅大。焊点边缘气孔多等问题。改用等离 First, the existing problems and solutions Tungsten arc spot welding method has the advantages of simple equipment, flexible operation, single-sided spot welding, etc., has been used in carbon steel, titanium and non-ferrous metal one-sided spot welding process. Tungsten arc spot welding method using spot welding armature windings lead and commutator, due to the lead end of the insulating layer that is the thin film coating heat evaporation, resulting in short service life of tungsten, molten pool metal splashes. Solder joints and more problems at the edge of the pores. Switch to plasma
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过去学写文章技巧时,老师会给出一个6字妙诀:凤头,猪肚,豹尾——开头要漂亮,中间能装载,刹尾短而有力。但豹尾,要放在电视剧上,就不知适用不适用了。 In the past to learn
将实验室现有的二次谐波(SHG)单次自相关仪和光谱仪结合起来,搭建了单次SHG-FROG测量设备(图1)。其基本原理是首先将入射光脉冲分为两束,其中一束作为探测光,另一束作为 The
To make the modulation classification system more suitable for signals in a wide range of signal to noise rate (SNR), a feature extraction method based on signa
探索化学教学改革促进教师专业成长邮发代号:4-324单价:12.00元国家教育部主管华东师范大学主办全国中文核心期刊 《化学教学》创刊于1979年,30多年来始终走在教学改革的最