Patient, male, 22 years old. October 1982 bruising the right lateral malleolus caused by infection, the cure did not heal. In the same year in late December after eating dog meat, that is, fever, rash, subcutaneous nodules, lymph nodes, joint pain, scrotum swelling and pain, abdominal pain, the out-patient diagnosis of “infectious pleomorphic erythema, acute orchitis.” The healing wound healing, relieve symptoms discharged. In 1984 the end of April again eat dog meat, the next day the above symptoms recurrence in the same year on May 18 admission. Examination: body temperature 38 ℃, limbs and trunk skin scattered in the dark red nodular erythema of varying sizes (diameter of about 0.5 ~ 3.0cm), tenderness significantly, the pressure does not fade. Some people can see the central outflow of a small amount of oil-like white discharge. Hips, thighs, knee visible scattered in the central depression pigment spots. Groin can reach broad bean or walnut lymph nodes, there