在博鳌亚洲论坛年会上,与会各国人士普遍认为,合作与对话是实现亚洲繁荣的时代要求。走区域经济合作的道路,联合起来,分享收益,共担风险,已成为世界上大多数国家的普遍选择。 向来对区域经济一体化缺乏热情的东亚地区在经历了金融危机的重创后,又被“9·11”事件及放缓的美欧日动力火车遮蔽了光明。东亚各国逐渐认识到,必须加强地区内国家合作,增强防御金
At the annual meeting of the Boao Forum for Asia, participants from various countries generally agreed that cooperation and dialogue are the requirements of the times for realizing the prosperity of Asia. Taking the road of regional economic cooperation, joining together, sharing benefits and sharing risks has become the universal choice of most countries in the world. East Asia, which has so far lost its enthusiasm for regional economic integration, has been shrouded in light by the “9.11” incident and the slowdown in the U.S.-Japan-Japan power train. The East Asian countries have come to realize that it is necessary to strengthen cooperation among regions in the region and increase their defense funds