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《义务教育语文课程标准》指出:“学生是学习和发展的主体。”新教材的选文文质兼美、形式多样,符合儿童的身心发展特点,适合学生学习。我们在语文教学中应该努力构建灵动的课堂,使学生在轻松、愉快、幸福的气氛中激活思维,唤起强烈的学习需要,感受祖国语言文字的魅力,体会作者的真实的感情,有效地促进学生发展,使学生的语文素养得以提高。那么如何带领学生去感受这些独特之处,让学生的心灵在语文课堂上放飞呢?一、在生动有趣的简笔画中调动学生思考的积极性简笔画具有概括、形象、幽默、简练,成形迅速等特点。而文与画是相通的。生动有趣的简笔画能再现课文情境,把课文内容具体化、形象化。因此,让学生通过动手画、观看简 The Compulsory Education Curriculum Standard states: “Students are the main body of learning and development.” The new textbooks are both of excellent quality and beauty. They conform to the physical and mental development of children and are suitable for students’ learning. We should strive to build a flexible classroom in Chinese teaching so that students can activate their thinking in a relaxed, happy and happy atmosphere, arouse strong learning needs, feel the charm of the mother tongue and language, understand the author’s true feelings and effectively promote the students Development, so that students can improve their language literacy. So how to lead the students to feel these unique places, so that the students’ minds in the language classroom to fly it? First, in the lively and interesting Sticky notes to mobilize the enthusiasm of students to think Sticky with generalization, image, humor, concise, forming rapid Features. The text and painting are the same. Vivid and interesting stick figure can reproduce the text situation, the text content specific, visualization. So let the students paint by hand and watch Jane
<正>2018年5月22日,中华人民共和国国家卫生健康委员会发布的《2018年我国卫生健康事业发展统计公报》显示,2018年全国共报告各类职业病新病例23 497例;其中,职业性尘肺病及
大麦虫(Zophobas morio),属昆虫纲(Insecta),鞘翅目(Coleoptera),拟步甲科(Tenebrionidae)昆虫,是一种新型的蛋白源昆虫,具有较高的营养价值和商业化前景,极具开发潜力。然而