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8年不曾回我的故乡广东高州去了,今年春节回去一趟。离京前县领导来函邀请,趁我返乡探亲之便,要我为茂名市属几个县、区的戏剧干部讲几天课,还希望我到农村去看两场粤剧演出。粤剧在农村的情况如何,这是我很想知道的。今次故乡之行,无论是讲课还是看戏,都使我了解到许多真实而生动的情况。地方的戏剧同行对戏剧理论知识的渴求,对国内外戏剧发展动向的热切关注,使我十分感动。在和他们的接触交谈中,开阔了我的视野,活跃了我的思路。其中最突出的一个问题,就是农民生活水平提高后,农村如饥似渴地需要戏剧生活。农民喜爱戏剧到什么地步,只有亲历其境才能体会到。这次我在乡村观看了两场粤剧演出,那情景确实令人难忘。一场是广东省粤剧学校应届毕业生在白县塘村上演折子戏专场,另一场是高州县剧团在高州洪献演出多幕剧《血泪菱花》。早有所闻,电白、吴川两县的春班演出传统悠久,热闹非常。这回幸得一见。据说,仅电白一个县在春节至元宵期间就邀请了一百多个粤剧团到该县广大农 8 years have not returned to my hometown of Guangdong Gaozhou went back to the Spring Festival this year. From the invitation letter from the leaders of Jingqian County, when I returned home to visit relatives, I asked Maoxiang City for several days of drama classes for cadres in several counties and districts. I also hoped that I would go to the countryside to see two Cantonese Opera performances. Cantonese opera in rural areas how the situation, which I really want to know. This trip to my hometown, both in lectures and in theater, has given me a lot of real and vivid information. The thirst for drama counterparts from local theater counterparts and the keen interest in the dramatic developments at home and abroad made me very touched. In my conversations with them, I broaden my horizons and active my thoughts. One of the most prominent problems is that when the standard of living of peasants is raised, the rural area needs a dramatic and hungry life. Farmers love the theater to what extent, only experience the environment to understand. This time I watched two Cantonese opera performances in the village, it was a memorable occasion. One was the graduation ceremony of Cantonese Opera School graduates in Guangdong’s Guangdong Province. The other was the play of “Gao Xue Ling Hua” performed by Gaozhou County Theater in Gaozhou. Already heard, Dianbai, Wuchuan County Spring Festival performance long tradition, very lively. Fortunately, this time saw. It is said that only one county in Dianbai invited over 100 Cantonese opera troupes to the broad masses of the county during the Spring Festival and Lantern Festival.
目前工农业生产中各种新的、专用的生产机械不断出现,采用计算的方法获得其飞轮惯量变得很困难.本文依据实验法设计一种单片机自动测试飞轮惯量系统. At present, all kinds of