In this experiment, indirect immunofluorescence techniques were used to observe the changes and distribution characteristics of cytosolic microtubules of mouse peritoneal macrophages and mesenteric lymph node cells irradiated by 60 Co γ-rays, and to observe and study the changes. The effects of ~(60)Co γ-rays on intracytoplasmic microtubules, centriole and surface microvilli were observed under transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The experimental results show that: (1) Irradiation has a significant effect on the distribution of macrophages, intracellular cytoplasmic microtubules and fluorescent staining patterns, and is related to the dose of radiation; (2) caused by irradiation after a certain period of time. The changes of cytoplasmic microtubules can be completely restored; (3) The cytoplasmic microtubules and centriole can basically disappear after irradiation under TEM. Under irradiation electron microscope, the cell surface protrusion or microvilli can be significantly changed after irradiation.