基于中国不同茶树品系以及地区的差异,选择4种绿茶[屏山炒青(四川)、霍山黄芽(安徽)、黄山毛峰(安徽)以及龙井(浙江)]和2种黑茶[祁门红茶(安徽)、普洱茶(云南)]的加工下脚料(茶渣),分别按1%和2%剂量加入配合饲料,饲养斑点叉尾鮰(Ictalurus punctatus)8周后,测定各组鱼体肝脏维生素E(VE)含量,然后降低水位,对剩余试验鱼进行3d的暴露及拥挤胁迫,再测定各组鱼体肝脏的VE含量。结果显示,养殖试验结束时,6种茶渣均导致VE含量显著提高,但只在1种添加剂量(1%或2%)上有此表现,胁迫后,6种茶渣2种剂量组的VE含量均显著高于对照组。在对肝脏VE含量的影响上,同为绿茶且产地接近的黄山毛峰与龙井茶作用更为相似,同为黑茶的普洱茶与祁门红茶相似,而霍山黄芽与黑茶更为相似,屏山炒青则单独归为一类。在低添加剂量(1%)时,黄山毛峰、龙井与屏山炒青3种绿茶提高鱼体肝脏VE含量的作用更为显著,其中屏山炒青效果最佳。
Four kinds of green tea [Ping Shan Chao Qing (Sichuan), Huoshan Huangya (Anhui), Huangshan Maofeng (Anhui) and Longjing (Zhejiang)] and two kinds of black tea [Qimen Black Tea (1) and 2% (1% and 2%, respectively) were fed into the processing feed of Ictalurus punctatus for 8 weeks and the liver vitamins E (VE), and then reduce the water level, the remaining fish exposed to three days and crowded stress, and then determine the VE content of the liver of each group of fish. The results showed that the six kinds of tea residues at the end of aquaculture test resulted in a significant increase in VE content, but only at one additive (1% or 2%). After stress, VE content were significantly higher than the control group. In the impact of liver VE content, with the same origin of green tea and Huangshan Maofeng Longjing tea role is more similar to the same black tea and Qimen black tea similar to Huoshan Huangya more similar to black tea , Ping Shan Chaoqing is classified as a separate category. At the low dosage (1%), Huangshan Maofeng, Longjing and Pingshan Chaoqing green tea increased the liver VE content more significantly, of which Ping Shan Chao best.