第十五届米兰纺织展(Milano Unica)于9月11~13日在米兰举行,意大利总理马里奥.蒙蒂(Mario Monti)出席参观了展会并在展会上发表演讲。马里奥.蒙蒂在演讲中强调,在这样一个经济不稳定的年代,意大利纺织服装企业必须将重点放在“意大利制造”这一民族精神上,而以纺织服装工业为代表的“意大利制造”的复苏将是意大利经济复苏的重要支撑。
The 15th Milano Unica was held in Milan from September 11th to 13th. Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti attended the show and gave a speech at the show. In his speech, Mario Monti stressed that in such an era of economic instability, the Italian textile and garment enterprises must focus on the national spirit of “Made in Italy”, while the textile and garment industry as the representative “ Made in Italy ”recovery will be an important support for Italy’s economic recovery.