1 病历简介病人女 ,6 0岁。因颈前包块 2个月 ,伴平卧位咳嗽入院。病人无肌无力和骨关节疼痛史 ,无尿痛和血尿史。查体 :颈前中下部见 8cm× 5cm× 5cm包块 ,下极伸入胸骨后不能触及下缘。包块稍硬、边界清、活动度稍差。血钙及T3、T4 、PTH正常。X线片示纵隔增宽
A medical history Female patient, 60 years old. Due to neck mass 2 months, with cough and supine position. No muscle weakness and bone and joint pain history, no history of dysuria and hematuria. Physical examination: see the middle and lower cervical anterior 8cm × 5cm × 5cm mass, the lower reaches of the breast can not reach the lower edge of the reach. Slightly hard mass, the border clearance, activity slightly less. Calcium and T3, T4, PTH normal. X-ray showed mediastinal widening