大冶铁矿选矿厂近年所处理的矿石主要是原生含铜磁铁矿、少量混合矿和外购矿,随着露天矿闭坑和坑内采场向下延伸,矿石性质出现了明显变化。1矿石性质矿石类型除原有的磁铁矿、磁铁矿-赤铁矿矿石外,还出现了磁铁矿-菱铁矿混合矿石;主要金属矿物有磁铁矿、黄铜矿、黄铁矿、磁黄铁矿(含钴)、次生赤铁矿、斑铜矿等;主要脉石矿物有方解石、白云石、透辉石、石榴石及绿帘石等。大多数金属矿物与脉石矿物的分离粒度为0.01~0.1 mm,金属矿物可选性较好。
In recent years, the ore processed by Daye Iron Ore Concentrator mainly consists of primary copper-bearing magnetite, a small amount of mixed ore and outsourced ore. With the closure of the open pit and the downward extension of the stope inside the pit, the properties of the ore have changed significantly. 1 Ore nature Ore type In addition to the original magnetite, magnetite - hematite ore, also appeared magnetite - siderite mixed ore; the main metal minerals are magnetite, chalcopyrite, yellow iron Mine, pyrrhotite (including cobalt), secondary hematite, bornite, etc .; the main gangue minerals are calcite, dolomite, diopside, garnet and epidote. The separation granularity of most metalloids and gangue minerals is 0.01-0.1 mm, and the selectivity of metal minerals is better.