野山参为五加科植物人参(Panax ginseng)的野生品。主要生长于东北地区的深山老林中,商品习称野山参。因其生长年限长,疗效卓著,资源稀少,而被人们视为稀世珍品,价格也较昂贵。近来,发现市售的精装野山参两支,经鉴定系由普通栽培人参挑选加工而成。野山参为我国稀有名贵药材,享誉国内外。假品的出现和流行将严重损害消费者利益和名贵中药在国内外的信誉。为引起有关经营、使用和监督部门的注意,现将此假野山参的
Wild ginseng is a wild product of the Araliaceae ginseng (Panax ginseng). It is mainly grown in the deep mountains and old forests in the northeast region. The commodity is called wild ginseng. Because of its long years of growth, outstanding efficacy, and sparse resources, it is regarded as a rare treasure by people and the price is relatively expensive. Recently, two commercially available hardcover wild ginseng trees were identified and selected from ordinary cultivated ginseng. Wild ginseng is a rare and valuable medicinal material in China and is well-known both at home and abroad. The emergence and prevalence of fake products will seriously damage the interests of consumers and the credibility of precious Chinese medicines at home and abroad. In order to arouse the attention of the relevant management, use, and supervision departments, this fake wild ginseng is now