鉴定蛾类贮粮害虫的成虫虫种,以往都是根据它的外观,如个体大小、体色与翅形、色泽和花斑。这种方法,用于很新鲜的标本是可以的。但是,在采集捕捉蛾类标本时,往往未能按一定的方法或保存得不好,蛾体上带色的鳞片所组成的花斑就容易脱落和退色,以致模糊不清而难以鉴别。翅上的脉序,虽然也可以用来鉴定不同科、不同属的一些虫种,可是有的同一属不同种的蛾类,脉序也基本相同,因此也难以鉴定。唯一正确可靠的依据,就是用外生殖器来鉴定。因为蛾类外生殖器在同虫种之间变异较小,而不同种的虫彼此分化却较大;同时,不论雄虫或雌虫的种类都可以鉴定。 作者几年来运用了外生殖器鉴定蛾类的方法,在鉴定中,发现灰褐谷蛾(Tinea metonella Pierce et Metcalfe)过去所定学名有误,正确的学名尚待查定。同时还发现了8种新纪录的蛾类贮粮害虫。现将目前我国的蛾类贮粮害虫种类、外生殖器的构造、鉴定的方法、各虫种区别的检索表分述如后。
Adult insect pests that identify moth-type stored-grain pests have traditionally been based on their appearance, such as individual size, body color and fin shape, color and speckles. This method, for very fresh specimens is possible. However, when collecting and capturing moth specimens, they often fail to be properly preserved or preserved well. The mosaic spots formed by colored scales on the moth body easily come off and fade, resulting in blurred and indefinable identification. Veins on the wing, although it can also be used to identify different families, different genus of some insects, but some of the same genus different species of moths, the pulse sequence is basically the same, it is also difficult to identify. The only correct and reliable basis, is to use external genitalia to identify. Because moth genitalia mutants smaller among the species, and different species of insects are greater differentiation of each other; the same time, regardless of male or female species can be identified. In recent years, the author has used the method of identification of moths outside genitalia. During the identification, it was found that the scientific name of Tinea metonella Pierce et Metcalfe was incorrectly set in the past, and the correct scientific name has yet to be determined. Also found eight new records of moths stored grain pests. At present, China’s moths stored grain pests species, genital structure, identification method, the difference between the various species of the search form as described later.