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世界观是人们对整个世界总的看法和根本的观点,是人们精神世界最深层次的精神支柱,是人们观念世界、理性世界的基础。党风是党员在思想、学习、工作、生活等方面表现出来的态度和行为一党风建设的思想根源实质是世界观问题。有什么样的世界观就会有什么样的党风。因此,从解决世界观问题入手,是端正党风的关键。世界观问题不解决,端正党风就无从谈起。实行改革开放和发展社会主义市场经济,给党的建设注入了新的活力,党员和干部的思想得到进一步解放,价值观念得到进一步更新,适应时代和现代化建设需要的新的世界观体系初步确立。但同时,由于多元价值观、拜金主义、享乐主义和极端个人主义滋长而引发的消极腐败现象,也程度不同地冲击着党员和干部队伍,其中有些人经不起考验, The world outlook is the general view and the fundamental view of people on the entire world, the spiritual pillar at the deepest level in people’s spiritual world, and the basis for people’s concept and rational world. The party’s work style is the attitude and behavior demonstrated by party members in their thinking, study, work and life Ideological roots of the development of a party’s work are essentially issues of the world outlook. What kind of world outlook will have what kind of party style. Therefore, starting with the solution to the world outlook is the key to rectifying the party style. If the problem of the world outlook is not resolved, it will be impossible to correct the party’s style of work. The implementation of reform and opening up and the development of a socialist market economy have infused new vitality into party building. Party members and cadres have been further emancipated their minds, their values ​​have been further updated, and a new system of world outlook that has been adapted to the needs of the times and modernization has been tentatively established. At the same time, however, the negative corruption caused by the diversity of values, money worship, hedonism and extreme individualism has also affected party members and cadres in varying degrees and some of them can not stand the test of time.
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