The war against Napoleon shattered the whole of Russia and transformed Russia’s view of the serf crop, even the worst of the spiritual masters began to understand that it was not the tsar and his czar who saved Russia, nor even his army Although the officers and men on the battlefield showed astonishing courage and indomitableness, they were “grass-sand people” whom the landlords regarded as a cowboy horse. As Lev Tolstoy said, the cropsmen raised their awesome vigor with angry sticks and crackdowns on the French people until their aggression was stopped. Indeed, the Great Patriotic War of 1812 gave the community a second glance at ordinary Russians, but their situation has not been any improvement, even more difficult. Because at the time of the invasion of the aliens, the aristocrats (many of them) who lost their estates were sucking “own” breeders like vampires in order to compensate their losses as soon as possible by the bones of serfs. However, neither the tsar nor serf-owners have estimated that the times have changed. Even the ruling class has a lot of decent selfless blog