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元王朝是个短命的王朝,仅有88年的历史,但元朝末帝顺帝妥懽贴睦尔却统治长达36年之久(1333—1368年),占去元朝历史的一少半.因此,对于元顺帝的评价是元史研究与教学的一个必不可少的内容.评价封建帝王有其客观标准,即看这个帝王在统治时期对社会生产的发展、人民大众的生活起了何种作用.结合顺帝在位36年的历史.以上述标准来评价,我们认为他是一个应基本否定的历史人物.一、昏聩无能,朝令夕改人的天赋有高下,能力有大小,性格各异,学养不同,这是正常的.但在封建社会权力高度集中的君主专制制度下,做为皇帝,他的天赋、能力、性格、学养则对全国的政治生活、经济发展起着很大的作用.因此,古代帝王特别重视“为君之道”. The Yuan dynasty was a short-lived dynasty, with only 88 years of history, but the Emperor Yuan Shundi of the late Yuan dynasty dutifully condemned it for 36 years (1333-1368 years), accounting for less than half of the history of the Yuan Dynasty. , The evaluation of Yuan Shundi is an indispensable element in the research and teaching of Yuan Shih .. The evaluation of the feudal emperors has its objective criterion of how the emperor played a role in the development of social production and people’s life during the reign Combined with the 36-year history of the Shun Emperor reign.Using the above criteria to evaluate, we think he is a historical figure should be basically negated.First, unconsciousness, toward the evening to change people’s talent are superior, ability to have size, different personality, However, under the monarchy system in which the power of the feudal society is highly centralized, as an emperor, his talent, ability, character and accomplishment play a very significant role in the political life and economic development of the whole country. Therefore, the ancient emperors pay special attention to “the road to the king.”
The new semester has begun in China and students have gradually returned to their schools.However,the end of the summer holiday doesn’t mean a return to school
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