On how to take the advantages of the Internet and set up an English learning surrounding?

来源 :中国基础教育研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ericawanghnu
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  Before the popularity of the Internet in China, I have met many English learners and heard them complain that the English learning in the small cities in China is extremely difficult because they don’t have the foreign language learning surrounding. As the time went by, I got the chance to surf the Internet for the first time in 1998 and I can hardly imagine that many kinds of English newspapers such as the New York Times, USA Today published in USA and China Daily, The English Weekly, Beijing Review and the Guangzhou morning Post, etc. published in China could be read via the Internet. Later, I get to know that a lot of the English radio and TV programs are broadcast through the Internet. From then on, I have a better understanding of the language learning surrounding. That is to say, it is not up to the native English speakers whether we have or don’t have the language learning atmosphere. In fact, living in the small cities in China, we hardly have or never have the chance to talk to the native English speakers or learn English from them personally. Does it mean that learners in these cities can’t study English well just because they don’t have opportunities to talk to the native English speakers or learn English from them personally? The Internet provides us learners with the English language atmosphere and the rich resources as long as we want to learn, then the English learners surely can make it.
  【Keywords】 English learning, language surrounding, English resources on the Internet
  Why don’t we make the most use of the Internet and set up an English learning atmosphere via the Internet ? Many kinds of the English newspapers and the English radios can be found, read or received through the Internet. There are a great variety of columns such as news, science and technology, education, society and culture. We may improve our English reading comprehension a lot if we often read these information on the Internet. The English texts taught at school are too limited and too narrow for the English learners (including high school students). It makes English very difficult for them to learn due to the narrow English knowledge and vocabulary in science and technology, society and culture, etc. That is why the English learners are afraid of reading English passages except the English texts. Therefore, it would be better for the English learners to read some English newspapers like China Daily, English Weekly or other newspapers from time to time. Regarding this, the English learners in the small cities lag behind a lot when compared with the ones in the eastern coastal cities. What’s more, the English learners will find the reading comprehension questions easy to do if they keep on reading the English newspapers. Let alone the college English learners because it is quite important for them to improve their English. For adults English learners, they may choose the articles on the Internet according to their own interests. Those who often listen to the English radio programs can improve their listening comprehension and pass the listening test easily. There are a variety of English news and the English talk shows on the radio. The topics for these English radio programs are similar to our daily life and they are very useful in real world communication for us English teachers and English learners. Besides, we can improve our speaking as well by listening to the English radios every day. Why can the listeners improve their speaking by listening to the English radios every day ? Because we may imitate English spoken by the radio hosts if the broadcast English can be understood well. Keeping on imitating standard English on the radio, then we will benefit a great deal from listening and be able to speak fluent English.It is because we usually don’t have the chance to talk to the native English speakers in the small cities in China and we must find a way to improve our speaking. I find a way to improve my English speaking after 22 years of learning and teaching English. It would be very effective for the English learners in the small cities. Believe it or not, just have a try.   I was in preparation for setting up my own Internet English learning room by buying a computer equipped with two loudspeakers and contacting with the telecom company to install the Internet line to my home in the second half of 2002. The English learners must have the access to the Internet, install the video and audio playing soft-wares such as WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER or other media players and then build up your own Internet English learning room. After these, you surely have your Internet English learning room and read the English newspapers or listen to the English radio or even watch live English TV programs through the Internet as you like. To us English learners, we will not be lagged behind by reading English passages and listening to English programs every day.
  You will not get less English information than the English learners in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou no mater what job you take if you have a strong desire to learn English through the Internet. For them, they may have more chances to talk to the native English speakers and learn from advanced English teachers and professors. The Internet, however, provides us with the Internet English learning environment and we can reduce the big difference between us and catch up with these learners living in the biggest cities via the Internet. So why don’t you just set up your own Internet English learning room and go ahead with the listening and imitating from the standard English ? Don’t you think that the radio hosts’ English is better than the average native English speakers ? The English learners in the small cities also can turn to the English teachers on line for help if they are puzzled with the difficult points or turn to the English learning electronic dictionaries on the Internet for help.
  Now-days, the English exams in China attach more and more importance to the listening, reading comprehension and real world communication. You have your Internet language learning room, go ahead with the listening and reading, keep on imitating from the standard English, then don’t you have a confidence for your English ? Follow the English radio, try to imitate as much as you can and you will make great progress. What’s more, the hosts on the radio will not get tired of you forever. When you enroll your name in the oral training class, you will learn the oral dialogues only from the book. Why can’t many of us learners keep on speaking in different topics without stopping and clearly express our profound opinions after spending a lot of years in learning English? To overcome the shortcomings mentioned above,we must read different articles in the English newspaper and listen to different news and talk shows on the radio so as to improve our reading comprehension, listening comprehension and speaking.   The guide lines for the English exams in China put more and more emphasis on the original textbook test points, but the test points level in the exams will be more difficult than the test points in the original text. The English exams in China attach more and more importance to the listening, reading comprehension and real world communication. So why should we intensify our reading comprehension training and listening training ? It is because the test points level in the exams have kept a steady pace in the past few years, but it doesn’t reduce the amount of the reading passages and listening passages. Therefore, English teachers can’t guide the English learners well if they are not good at reading and listening. Besides, the students who are weak in reading and listening in Senior Middle School will meet more challenges in English learning after they go to university. English teachers can further their study if they each have their Internet English learning room on weekends so as to meet the increasing English challenge.
  It is really lucky for us English teachers and English learners to live in the Internet age. Although we live in the small cities, we can take the advantage of the Internet to keep up with the English learners in the biggest cities. The problem is whether we study hard or not. We can even master English and can not be lagged behind. Wherever we stay, we are able to learn English and get the answers from the teachers through the Internet. To master English, we don’t have to study abroad because the Internet will help us a lot. Will you be sure that you can learn English well if you go abroad to study English in case you live in the China Town?
  You will have a confidence in your English learning and use because you always study the standard English from the English newspaper and the English radios via the Internet. It will help you have a good basis in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating. Furthermore, you can access the update English information all over the world through the Internet. It will not be a far dream for us English learners to master English if we have an Internet English learning room and keep on practicing.
  1.How to learn English via the Internet?
  2.How to use the Internet in English language learning?
山西省晋城市城区南街四小 晋城 048000  学习数学离不开自己的亲身体验。作为数学教师要在教学的过程中,给孩子充分发挥的空间,让孩子们在实践操作中体验,在合作交流中体验,在联系生活中体验,从而真正感受到数学带来的快乐。  1.营造氛围,让学生在主体参与中体会学习数学的快乐  俗话说:“良好的开端是成功的一半”,教学时,创设良好的导入情境,能最大限度地调动学生的学习热情和求知欲望。这就要求我们数
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黑龙江省五大连池市团结中学 五大连池 164123  语文学科是一门学习语言文字运用的综合性、实践性很强的课程,听说读写能力的培养是全面提高学生语文素养的重要组成部分,那么如何培养学生这些方面的能力呢?下面谈谈自己的一些做法。  1.创设情景激发兴趣  识字和写字是阅读和写作的基础,而阅读又是积累和感悟的基础。阅读兴趣又是阅读的基础。兴趣的激发,有课外因素,但更多的是课内因素,作为课堂的组织者和引
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陕西省大荔县实验小学 大荔 710061  数学自学能力的培养,是当前小学数学教学改革的目标之一。”在小学阶段,学生的可塑性较强,是培养各种学习品质和能力,发展智力的良好时期。我们不但要努力改革教学方法,而且要使学生由“学会”转化为“会学”,在日常的教学实践中,总结了如下学生自学能力培养的方法,愿与同行探讨。  1.教师应该教给学生自学的方法  在数学自学的过程中,如果只布置给学生自学的内容,没有
江西省赣州市兴国县潋江镇中化兴国希望小学 兴国 341000  课堂提问是启发式教学的一种主要形式,是“有效教学的核心”,是教师们经常运用的教学手段。在平常的数学教学中,通过系列的提问和解答,可以让同学们更迅速的理解教材内容,更深入地感悟知识内涵。实践证明,在一堂数学课中,问题设计的成败,很大程度地决定着教学质量的高低。怎样巧妙的提问,成为我每堂课前要认真琢磨的问题。如今新课改下的数学教学,我发现
辽宁省锦州市黑山县第二初级中学 黑山 121401  数学教育要以学生发展为本,要把学生的个人知识,直接经验和现实世界作为数学的重要资源。要根据学生的年龄特征和认知特点组织教学,注重激发学生学习的积极性,尽量向学生提供从事数学活动的机会。因此,在教学中,我很注重运用情景激发学生主动探究的欲望,那么,在教学中怎样设置情景使学生进入课堂呢?在此,我浅谈一下自己的见解:  1.与学生首次见面的情景创设 
山西省晋城市城区城南四小 晋城 048000  在小学数学教材中有大量的人文内容,教师应努力去挖掘,建构起人文精神的体系,使学生从小受到人文教育、提高人文素养。  1.提供生动材料,激发人文情感  作为一个生活于现实社会的活生生的人来说,光有自觉或理性是不够的。理性使人明智,但并不足以使自己和他人幸福。只有当一个人拥有丰富细腻的情感时,他才能很好体现这个世界上一切之与人的意义,才能充分感受生活的趣
贵州省遵义市文化小学 遵义 563000  班主任是班级的灵魂、主导者,学校少不了班主任,学生离不开班主任。经过多年的教学实践,我觉得做好班主任应做到以下几点:  1. 热爱学生,建立良好的师生关系  作为班主任,与学生关系融洽,学生自然而然就会听班主任的话,这样一来班主任工作就能顺利地开展。在教学工作中,教师应做到热爱自己的本职工作;要关心热爱每一个学生,具有无私奉献的精神,有了这份真诚才能管好