《长城》双月刊 2 0 0 0年一期发表了著名电影《小兵张嘎》的编剧、老作家徐光耀同志的回忆录《昨夜西风凋碧树》,其中记述了他在 1 957年“反右”运动中横遭打击的不幸遭遇。长期担任中国作协领导职务的老作家刘白羽同志近期阅读了这部回忆录 ,作为重要当事人 ,以痛悔的心情和对历史负责的态度致信徐光耀 ,徐光耀立刻复信刘白羽。刘、徐的通信披露后 ,在文艺界产生了不小反响 ,有关历史恩怨是非的传闻和议论遂一发不可收。由此 ,也引出了另一位老作家周良沛同志的长篇评论。周的评论从刘、徐通信出发 ,以饱含情感和思考的笔触 ,跨越不同时代 ,品评众多人事 ,作为亲历者为那段历史写下了一篇“注解”。这里一并刊出 ,以飨读者
The Great Wall bimonthly published a memoir of the famous writer Xiaogang Zhangga in 2000, “Commemoration of the Westerly Withered Bristol in the Last Night,” which chronicles his “anti-rightist” movement in 1957 The cross was hit by the unfortunate encounter. Liu Baoyu, an old writer who has long been the leader of the Chinese Writers Association, recently read this memoir and wrote an important letter to Xu Guangyao as an important party with a regretful mood and a history-responsible attitude. Xu Guangyao immediately re-wrote Liu Baiyu. After Liu and Xu’s communications were disclosed, there was no small response in the literary and art circles. Rumors and controversy about the historical complaints of grudges were inevitable. As a result, it also led to another longtime comrade Zhou Liangpei’s long comment. Zhou’s commentary started with Liu and Xu Communications and wrote an “annotation” for the period of history as a witness to many strokes of different sentiments and reflections. Publish here together to readers