古弱漹镇遗址在夹江县甘江镇陶渡村,距夹江县城——漹城镇三十里,位于县境东南,青衣江下游北岸,与乐山市杨湾乡隔江相望。离“屏蔽漹南、纲维嘉北”的九盘山、碧云亭(二郎庙)仅约两、三里地,下游不远即是嘉北门户、嘉阳驿路的险隘之一“石桥冲”了。 青衣江又叫雅河、雅水,旧称平羌江;古称大渡水、沫水。青衣江由西北向东南贯穿夹江全境,前人别称满江,县城为满城。青衣江是岷江的一条重要支流,发源于宝兴县北巴郎山、夹金山南麓,流经天全、雅安、洪雅、夹江,在乐山与大渡河相汇后,再合入岷江。以前青衣江两岸货物的运输,除用平
The site of ancient weak town is located in Taodu Village, Ganjiang Town, Jiajiang County, 30 miles away from Jiaocheng Town, Jiajiang County, southeast of the county and the north bank of the lower reaches of Qingyi River. It faces across the river from Yangwan Township in Leshan City. From the “screen Taonan, Gang Wei Jia North,” the Jipanshan, Pikun Ting (Erlang Temple) only about two or three miles to the downstream is not far from the Jiabei portal, Jiayang Station Road pass one of the Dan Shi Chong "Now. Also known as the Ya River, Tsing Yi River, Ya water, formerly known as Ping Qiang River; ancient known as Dadu, foam water. Tsing Yi River from northwest to southeast through the whole territory of Jiajiang, formerly known as Manchuria, the county seat for the city. Qingyi River is an important tributary of the Minjiang River, originated in Baoxing County, North Ba Langshan, south of folder Jinshan, flows through the whole day, Ya’an, Hongya, Jiajiang, Leshan and Dadu River together, and then into the Minjiang River . Before the transport of goods across the Tsing Yi River, except with flat