本文依据两年来所获探槽资料,论证了红果子沟长城错动是断层活动所致。对该断层的性质及活动方式进行了讨论。 宁夏石咀山市红果子沟明代长城错动作为最新地壳运动的例证久负盛名,前往观察的科学工作者甚多。对此错动是断层错动、是1739年平罗地震造成还是蠕滑产物所致,持有不同的看法。 1980—1981年,我局在长城错动点两侧开挖了三个探槽,证实了错动点确有断层通过。在此基础上,我们又做了一些必要的地面地质工作。本文将依据上述资料对有争议的问题作进一步讨论。
Based on the data of the trenches obtained over the past two years, this paper proves that the fault of the red fruit ditch Great Wall is caused by the fault activity. The nature and activity of the fault are discussed. Shizuishan City, Ningxia Hongguozigou Great Wall of the Ming Dynasty, the wrong move as an example of the latest crustal movement prestigious, to observe the many scientific workers. In this regard, the fault was caused by fault dislocation, caused by the Pingluo Earthquake in 1739 or a slippery product, and held different views. From 1980 to 1981, our bureau excavated three trenches on both sides of the Great Wall Dislocation Point, confirming that there was indeed a fault passing through the point of dislocation. On this basis, we have also done some necessary ground geological work. This article will be based on the above information on the controversial issues for further discussion.