为了解拱墅区居民的五类健康知识的知晓情况,我们于2011年进行了调查。现将结果报道如下。1对象与方法 1.1对象调查对象为拱墅区15~69岁的常住人口。常住人口指在调查前1年内,在调查地区连续居住并生活≥6个月者。1.2方法 1.2.1抽样方法采取多阶段随机抽样方法。拱墅区10个街道,根据地理位置分属市区6个街道和郊区4个街道。采用单纯随机抽样方法在市区和郊区
To understand the five categories of residents of Gongshu knowledge of health awareness, we conducted a survey in 2011. The results are reported below. 1 objects and methods 1.1 object survey Gongshu District, 15 to 69-year-old resident population. Resident population refers to within one year before the survey, living in the survey area and living in ≥6 months. 1.2 Methods 1.2.1 Sampling methods to take a multi-stage random sampling method. Gongshu District 10 streets, according to the geographical location of 6 urban streets and suburbs 4 streets. Using simple random sampling method in urban and suburban areas