Tubercular arthritis of the elbow joint following olecranon fracture fixation and the role of TGF-be

来源 :中华创伤杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zxg668888
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Tuberculosis (TB) occurring after a closed bone fracture in the patient with no history of TB and no evidence of TB infection at the time of initial fracture is a rare entity.We report one such case of a 48-year-old female,who presented in the emergency department with an olecranon fracture which was open reduced and intally fixed with tension band wiring.Patient presented in the outpatient department with serosanguineous discharge at 3 weeks after surgery.The discharge was sent for culture and sensitivity tests,and the patient was managed by antibiotics and daily dressings.There was wound dehiscence and the underlying implant was exposed,which was removed at 12 weeks after surgery.Repeat debridements and dressings continued for 6 months,but the discharge from the wound site continued.X-rays of the elbow performed at 6 months raised the suspicion of TB,which was confirmed by Ziel-Neelsen staining and histopathological examination of the debrided tissue.Following the confirmation,patient was put on antitubercular drugs.The patient responded to antitubercular drug therapy (ATT),the purulent discharge from the wound ceased,and eventually the wound healed after 2 months of starting ATT.
Background The stage-specific expression of genes is o ne of the most characteristics of parasites. It has been found that a lot of gen es of Spriometra erinace
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用宽带脉冲代替传统的正弦脉冲进行叠加法测量 ,可以在一定程度上降低大面积水声材料自由场测量中的低频限。然而 ,这个声脉冲的脉宽和频谱受到发射换能器和功放响应的严格制约。文中将数字信号处理中的反滤波技术应用于水声材料性能的测量中 ,改进了这一修正的测量方法。先对水听器接收到的声脉冲进行数据采集 ,计算出测量系统的频率响应 ,然后对该系统进行反滤波处理 ,结果 ,使原来的声脉冲得到了时域上的压缩 ,扩