
来源 :农业生物技术学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:niqing813
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多属杂种主要是利用不同种属染色体间的重组或结构重排,产生集合多种和属优良基因的个体,通过筛选、鉴定和选育,最终得到以小麦(Triticum aestivum)性状为主,综合多个有益基因、抗性的种质资源或直接育成新品种。为了探讨多属杂交的细胞遗传规律和选育大穗,籽粒饱满和抗病等优良农艺性状的小麦-偃麦草-黑麦多属杂种新材料。本研究利用形态学和分子细胞遗传学研究方法,对八倍体小偃麦(Trititrigia)麦草8号(AABBDDEE,2n=56)与六倍体小黑麦(triticale(×Triticosecale))哈师209(AABBRR,2n=42)杂交F6代部分株系进行分析鉴定。形态学鉴定结果表明,F6株系形态特点差异明显,可分为小黑麦类型、普通小麦类型和中间类型。5个小黑麦类型株系,抗倒伏,大穗多粒,花粉母细胞减数分裂观察具有单价体,有4个株系千粒重超过40 g;3个株系14-4、3-29-3和h-29为带有R、E组染色体组遗传成份的六倍体小黑麦;其中,株系14-4籽粒饱满,千粒重达到47.6 g,明显优于亲本哈师209。8个普通小麦类型株系,熟期正常,根尖染色体数为42,有5个株系带有R组染色体成分。其中株系14-22带有R组小片段易位;株系w-16带有E组染色体易位和代换。7个中间型株系全部带有R组染色体组遗传成分,植株高大,可达94~120 cm;分蘖多,可达到15个;多花多粒,小穗数可达16~36;其中,株系h-7主穗粒数达122个,包壳,不易脱粒;株系11-26带有R组小片段易位;株系11-21-2除具有R组染色体成分外,带有E组染色体,但染色体数为52,尚不稳定。本研究得到的小黑麦类型株系14-4、3-29-3和h-29为小麦-偃麦草-黑麦三属杂种新种质,可为小黑麦品种选育和创制小麦多属杂交新种质提供理论和材料基础。 Mostly hybrids mainly utilize the recombination or structural rearrangement between different species of chromosomes to produce individuals with multiple and excellent gene sets. Through screening, identification and breeding, the main characters of wheat (Triticum aestivum) Multiple beneficial genes, resistant germplasm resources or direct breeding of new varieties. In order to explore the genetics of cybrids with many genera and hybrid wheat-Agropyron-rye genus hybrids with excellent agronomic traits such as big spike, full grain and disease resistance. In this study, morphological and molecular cytogenetic methods were used to study the effects of Trititrigia breviflora (AABBDDEE, 2n = 56) and hexaploid Triticale (Triticalecale) (AABBRR, 2n = 42) hybrid F6 generation of some strains were identified. The results of morphological identification showed that the morphological characteristics of F6 strains differed significantly and could be divided into small rye type, common wheat type and intermediate type. Five triticale-type lines, lodging, big spike and multi-grain, meiosis of pollen mother cells with monovalent body, 4 lines thousand-grain weight more than 40 g; 3 lines 14-4,3-29- 3 and h-29 were hexaploid triticale with genetic elements of R and E genomes, in which line 14-4 was full of grain with a grain weight of 47.6 g, which was significantly better than 209.8 normal parents Wheat type strains, normal maturity, apical chromosome number 42, 5 strains with R chromosome composition. Among them, line 14-22 had small fragment translocation in group R; strain w-16 had group E chromosomal translocation and substitution. The seven intermediate strains all inherited the genetic composition of R genome and the plant height was large, up to 94-120 cm. The number of tillers was more than 15, the number of spikes was 16-36, The number of main spikes of h-7 in the line was 122, which was hard to degranulate in the h-7 line. The small translocation in line 11-26 was found in line R-11. The line 11-21-2 contained the R chromosome, E group of chromosomes, but the number of chromosomes 52, not yet stable. The triticale-type lines 14-4, 3-29-3 and h-29 obtained in this study are new germplasms of the three genera of wheat-ryegrass-rye, which can be used for the breeding of triticale and the creation of more wheat New hybrid germplasm provides theoretical and material basis.
目的 :探讨心智操作对痛阈和耐痛阈的影响。以 1 0 1名大学生为被试 ,实验先后对被试进行两种不同条件下的痛阈和耐痛阈测定。第一为未进行心智操作的测定 ,第二为进行心智操