(资料综述) 伊斯兰教何时传入中国?这是解放前后许多研究者历经研讨,尚未完全得到一致看法的一个时题。有人认为始于“隋开皇中”,有人认为始于“唐武德中”,有人认为始于“贞观初年”,有人认为始于八世纪初,有人认为始于“永徽二年”,等等。众说纷纭。然而,目前较多的人认为“水徽二年”之说比较可信。现将关于这个问题的几种看法,简介如下。
(Summary of Information) When did Islam spread to China? This is a question that many researchers have not discussed before and have not been fully agreed upon before and after liberation. Some people think that it started in the “Sui Kai Huangzhong”. Some people think that it started in Tang Takenori. Some people think that it started in the early days of Zhen Guan. Some people think that some people think that it started in the second year of Yonghui, Wait. Different opinions. However, more people now think that “two years of water emblem” is more credible. Several opinions on this issue are presented below.