不知不觉,我从贵州省人民政府调到贵阳海关这个小关工作已6年了。说贵阳海关小,因为它是个只有17年历史的百人关。与深圳海关比,关员人数仅占他们的 1/60,与上海海关比,每年征收关税的数量只有他们的1/1000,与全国其他百年老关比,贵阳海关只是个“少年关”,在贵州这个17万平方公里, “八山一水一分田”,3800余万人,不沿海、不沿江、不沿边,少数民族较多的贫困省里,由于经济欠发达,外向型经济规模小,在全国外贸依存度已超过70%的今天,这里却只占7%。历史原因、经济条件与特殊的地理环境制约了海关各种量的发展。小就成了它在相当长时期内的典型特征。
Unconsciously, I transferred from the Guizhou Provincial People’s Government Guiyang customs clearance work has been 6 years. Said Guiyang customs small, because it is only a 17-year history of the 100 people. Compared with the Shenzhen Customs, the number of customs officers accounts for only 1/60 of them. Compared with Shanghai Customs, the amount of customs duties collected each year is only 1/1000 of them. Compared with other centuries-old customs in the country, Guiyang Customs is only a “boy” In the 170,000-square-kilometer area in Guizhou, the “eight mountains and one water field” and more than 38 million people are not economically developed and have an outward-looking economy in impoverished provinces with no coastal areas, Small, in the country’s foreign trade has more than 70% dependence today, but only 7% here. Historical reasons, economic conditions and special geographical environment have restricted the development of various customs. Small has become a typical feature of a long period of time.