社会主义财富理论的新探索 国内学术界高度评价《现代财富论》

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刘诗白教授新著《现代财富论》自今年初由三联书店出版发行以来,在学术界引起强烈反响。《人民日报》、《光明日报》、《经济日报》等媒体分别以“探讨现代财富及其源泉的力作”、“现代财富多样化的探讨”、“着力完善科技创新体系”为题,对该书作出高度评价。《现代财富论》敏锐及时地触及到我国加快人民财富增长,实现共同富裕,促进人的全面发展这一新时期社会经济发展的本源和宗旨问题,深刻体现了党中央“以人为本”和科学发展观的实质;富有新意地探寻和阐释了财富创造的各种源泉、科学配置与最大限度发挥劳动和各种资源在财富创造中的重要作用,以及构建相应的体制等重要问题,从而为深化经济改革,发展文化产业,特别是加快高科技发展,深化劳动价值理论等重大课题提出了一系列极富启迪的新见解,使该著作具有理论创新价值和指导实践的重要意义。学术界先后在北京、成都召开学术研讨会。中国人民大学、中国社科院、国家发改委宏观研究院等单位的专家学者分别从现代财富的始源、现代财富多样化、文化产业和文化生产、劳动价值论、创造财富的部门之间的关系及高科技创新体系等视域展开研讨。专家学者指出,该书深入研究了现代社会财富的性质、结构、源泉和加快财富创造的经济机制和规律,特别是提出了区别于古典经济学范畴的新财富观,对在当代发达市场经济和高科技经济条件下社会财富创造的新情况、新特点及其生产机制作了深入探讨,将为我国新时期社会主义经济理论研究拓展出一个新视野、新领域。 Professor Liu Shibai’s new “Theory of Modern Wealth” has aroused strong repercussions in academia since the publication and publication of Joint Publishing by the beginning of this year. The People’s Daily, Guangming Daily, Economic Daily and other media respectively titled “Discussion on the Work of Modern Wealth and Its Origins”, “Discussion on the Diversification of Modern Wealth” and “Striving to Improve the System of Scientific and Technological Innovation” Book made a high rating. The “modern theory of wealth” touches acutely and timely the issue of our country’s source and purpose of accelerating the growth of people’s wealth, realizing common prosperity and promoting people’s all-round development in the new era of social and economic development, and profoundly reflects the party’s central principle of “people-oriented” and scientific outlook on development ; Exploring new ideas and interpreting the various sources of wealth creation; the important role of scientific allocation and maximum utilization of labor and various resources in the creation of wealth; and the construction of corresponding systems and other important issues so as to deepen the economic reform , The development of cultural industries, especially the acceleration of high-tech development and the deepening of the theory of labor value, put forward a series of very inspiring new ideas that give the book great theoretical innovation value and guiding practice. Academics in Beijing, Chengdu held a seminar. The experts and scholars from Renmin University of China, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Macro Research Institute of National Development and Reform Commission and other experts from the origins of modern wealth, the diversification of modern wealth, cultural industry and cultural production, labor theory of value, the relationship between wealth creation departments And high-tech innovation system and other fields to discuss. Experts and scholars pointed out that the book in-depth study of the nature of the modern social wealth, structure, source and accelerate the economic mechanism and laws of wealth creation, especially the proposed different from the classical economics category of new wealth outlook on the contemporary developed market economy and The new situation, new features and production mechanism of social wealth created under the conditions of high-tech economy have been explored in depth, which will expand a new field of vision and new field for the study of the socialist economic theory in the new era of our country.
在林林总总的问题中,我们常常能碰到以下两道习题: 例1 如图1所示,岸上人以速率v匀速收绳使船靠岸,当绳与水平方向成θ角时,船速为多少? We can often encounter the follo
相比丧痛反应,还有一种心理危机也许更具破坏性那就是在遭遇异乎寻常的威胁性或灾难性的心理创伤后,导致迟出现和长期持续的精神障碍——创伤后应激障碍。    少女遭强暴后母亲又被杀死    据新闻报道,2004年7月,在黑龙江省巴彦县的一个农村,一名跟随母亲和继父共同生活的14岁少女,在独自骑车去邻村舅舅家的路上,被同村一名13岁的男孩儿强暴。事情发生后,女孩儿的家人报了案。然而,由于“未到法定刑事责任