EPC系统(物联网)是在计算机互联网和射频技术RFID的基础上,利用全球统一标识系统编码技术给每一个实体对象一个惟一的代码,构造了一个实现全球物品信息实时共享的实物互联网“Internet of things”。如果用公式来表示,可以表达如下:EPC代码+RFID+Internet=EPC系统(物联网)。它将成为继条码技术之后,再次变革商品零售结算、物流配送及产品跟踪管理模式的一项新技术。诞生于20世纪70年代的全球统一标识系统(EAN.UCC系统),目前已经广泛应用于工业、商业、物流、服务等领域,极大地促进了全球商业的发展,大大优化了供应链的管理。EPC,作为透明供应链的有效技术手段,拓展了全球统一标识系统,使之更具有永恒的生命力。
The EPC system (Internet of Things) is a unique code for each entity object based on the Internet and radio frequency identification (RFID) technology of the World Wide Web. It constructs a physical Internet that realizes the real-time sharing of global goods information. “Internet of things ”. If the formula to represent, can be expressed as follows: EPC code + RFID + Internet = EPC system (Internet of Things). It will become the bar code technology, once again change the commodity retail settlement, logistics and product tracking and management of a new technology. The EAN.UCC system, which was born in the 1970s, has been widely used in industries, commerce, logistics, service and other fields. It has greatly promoted the development of global business and greatly optimized the management of supply chain. EPC, as an effective technical means of transparent supply chain, has expanded the global unified identification system to make it more eternal vitality.