世上的吝啬鬼很多,可是像他这样抠门的却不多见。你也许会以为他家很穷。实话告诉你吧,他可是位不小的官哟。人们都亲切地叫他老徐,而他的家人却背地里叫他“第二代严监生”,为什么呢?不信,你瞧: “这会不会是时光倒流呢?”老徐家里的摆设都是七十年代的老古董,家里唯一的“现代化”就是那十四寸的黑白。儿子给他买的电风扇、彩电什么的,都被他一一退了回去。他说,这些东西耗电多,得节约用电,放在我这里反而占地方,你们还是拿回去吧。
There are many ghosts in the world, but few people like him do so. You may think that his family is poor. Tell you the truth, he is not a small bureaucrat. People are affectionately calling him Lao Xu, and his family members call him “second-generation Yan Jiansheng”. Why? If you don’t believe it, you say, “Is this going back in time?” All are old antiques from the 1970s. The only “modernization” at home is the 14-inch black and white. Whatever the fans or color TVs his son had bought for him, he was taken back one by one. He said that these things consume more power, they have to save electricity, and they place them here instead, and you still get them back.