太平天国运动时期 ,正是西学东渐时期。就文化的表现形式而言 ,太平天国领袖不可避免地带有中西文化扭结的特点和西方文化影响的表征。然而就文化的阶级属性或本质而论 ,农民当属封建文化的载体 ,他们与西方资本主义文化是疏离的。《天朝田亩制度》和《资政新篇》即折射出太平天国这种既扭结又疏离的文化倾向。 186 1年《天朝田亩制度》的重颁 ,是太平天国农民领袖对中国传统文化的本质回归和对西学的反动
During the Taiping movement, it was exactly the period of western learning. As far as cultural expressions are concerned, the leaders of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom inevitably bear the characteristics of the kink between Chinese and Western cultures and the manifestation of Western cultural influences. However, as far as the class nature or essence of culture is concerned, peasants are the carriers of feudal culture and are alienated from the western capitalist culture. The system of heavenly fields and fields and the new chapter of capitalism reflect the kinked and alienated cultural tendencies of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. The reemergence of the “Tianmu Tianmu System” in 1 year is the essential return of the leader of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom to the traditional Chinese culture and the reaction to Western learning