目的研究2010年郑州地区秋冬季婴幼儿腹泻A组轮状病毒(RV)VP7基因型分型。方法收集郑州市第一人民医院儿科2010年9-12月腹泻住院患儿的粪便标本80份。采用TR Izol法抽提粪便中RV RNA,采用聚丙烯凝胶电泳法检测其RV基因组,反转录(RT)-PCR法以及巢式(net)-PCR法进行A组RV的VP7基因型分型。结果 80份粪便标本中,40份检测到A组RVRNA基因,阳性率为50%。男24例,女16例;年龄6~36个月,平均11.7个月。对40份A组RV RNA阳性标本进行VP7基因型分型,其中G3型30例(75.0%),G1型6例(15.0%),G1和G3混合感染型3例(7.5%),G1与G9混合感染型1例(2.5%)。40例A组RV RNA阳性患儿中并呼吸道感染7例,其中G3型6例,G1和G3混合型1例。结论郑州地区秋冬季婴幼儿腹泻A组RV以G3型为主要流行基因型,并发现混合型感染病例及不常见的G9型感染病例。
Objective To study the genotyping of VP7 genotypes of group A rotavirus (RV) in infants and children with diarrhea in Zhengzhou area in 2010. Methods Totally 80 stool samples of hospitalized children with diarrhea in September-December 2010 from the First People’s Hospital of Zhengzhou City were collected. The RV RNA of feces was extracted by TR Izol method, RV genotypes were detected by polypropylene gel electrophoresis, VP7 genotypes of RV in group A were detected by reverse transcription (RT) -PCR and nested-PCR type. Results Among the 80 stool samples, 40 cases of group A RVRNA gene were detected, the positive rate was 50%. 24 males and 16 females; aged 6 to 36 months, an average of 11.7 months. VP7 genotypes were detected in 40 samples of group A RV RNA positive samples, of which 30 (75.0%) were type G3, 6 (15.0%) were type G1, 3 (7.5%) were G1 and G3 mixed infection, G1 G9 mixed infection in 1 case (2.5%). Among the 40 patients with positive RV RNA in group A, 7 were respiratory infection, of which 6 were G3 and 1 was mixed with G1 and G3. Conclusions In the autumn and winter infant diarrhea in Zhengzhou area, group A was predominantly genotype G3 with genotype G3 and found mixed cases and unusual G9 cases.