菠萝[Ananas comosus(L.)Merr.]是一种密植的多年生作物,尤其近年来,种得更密,单靠菠萝自然结果的有性繁殖获得种苗是不能满足大面积栽培需要大量种苗。许多科学工作者为了解决这一问题,进行了试验研究。1964年,魏(Wce)曾从冠芽、裔芽切取带腋芽的单叶芽进行繁殖,成功率达到50%。1975—1976年广东省果树研究所进行单芽繁殖试验,成功率达到80%。1979年4月我们应用 IBA、NAA、乙烯利、GA_3、B_9、钼酸铵等六种药剂,对冠芽进行处理,证明了 IBA、钼酸铵单用或混用,
Pineapple [Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.] Is a close planting of perennial crops, especially in recent years, planting more dense, natural reproduction of pineapple alone depends on the nature of seedlings can not meet the large-scale cultivation requires a large number of seedlings . Many scientists have tried to solve this problem. In 1964, Wei (Wce) from the crown buds, buds cut axillary buds with single buds for breeding, the success rate of 50%. From 1975 to 1976, the Institute of Fruit Research of Guangdong Province conducted single bud multiplication test, with a success rate of 80%. April 1979 we use IBA, NAA, ethephon, GA_3, B_9, ammonium molybdate and other six agents on the crown buds to deal with, that IBA, ammonium molybdate alone or in combination,