众所周知,在世界各地,俄罗斯自古以来,素以美女众多而著称于世。美容学界人士研究分析认为,俄罗斯多美女,除了有理想的人类生活环境等因素外,还与民间广泛利用大自然恩赐的花草树木、瓜果蔬菜、或继承前辈遗留下来的秘方、或自己发明新的神奇汁液进行美容护肤分不开。其中,蜂蜜、牛奶和草汁是俄罗斯民间美容秘方的基础。下面列举几例流传于俄罗斯民间的美容秘方,供爱美女士参考使用。 1.玫瑰洁肤水一把玫瑰花瓣,或干蔫的玫瑰花朵,放置于一缸开水里浸泡。2周后过滤,取玫瑰水洗脸,不仅芳香留面,而且清洁皮肤。 2.玫瑰护肤液一把红玫瑰花瓣,用一杯伏特加或按1:1用开水稀
As is known to all, throughout the world, Russia has been known to the world for its beautiful beauty since ancient times. According to research and analysis by beauty professionals, the beauty and beauty of Russia, in addition to the ideal human living environment and other factors, make extensive use of flowers and trees, fruits and vegetables that are bestowed by nature on human beings, or inherit the secrets inherited from their ancestors or invent their own new Magic juice is inseparable from the beauty skin care. Among them, honey, milk and grass juice is the secret of Russian folk beauty. Here are just a few examples of beauty secrets circulating in Russian folk for reference by Amy. 1. Rose cleansing water A rose petal, or dried rose flower, placed in a cylinder soaked in boiling water. Filtration after 2 weeks, take rose water wash your face, not only the aromatic surface, but also clean the skin. 2. Rose lotion a red rose petal, with a glass of vodka or 1: 1 with dilute water