首钢大石河选矿厂与鞍山矿山设计研究院,于1983年采用φ600多喷嘴水喷射泵代替SZ-4型水环式真空泵进行了工业试验。同时利用喷射泵水箱之余压代替鼓风机吹落滤饼,获得初步成效,节能效果显著。 1.生产概况。该厂有11个生产系列。第一、二过滤车间分别采用32米~2和20米~2筒型内滤式真空过滤机,每台过滤机配置1台真空泵。第二过滤车
Shougang Dashihe Concentrator and Anshan Mining Design and Research Institute, in 1983 the φ600 multi-nozzle water jet pump instead of SZ-4-type water ring vacuum pump for industrial tests. At the same time using the jet pump tank pressure instead of the blower blow the cake, the initial results, energy-saving effect is significant. 1. Production Overview. The plant has 11 production lines. The first and second filtration workshops adopt 32 to 2 and 20 to 2 cylinder type internal filter vacuum filters, each filter is equipped with 1 vacuum pump. Second filter car