In our daily life, many people think of finding a lawyer when it comes to legal matters, but many people have different prejudices about the role of lawyers in social life. Some think finding a lawyer is a waste of money. Even some staff of state organs expressed disdain and disdain for the parties to hire lawyers - thinking, “What should lawyers do?” Some set up various obstacles, and some even treated lawyers grossly and unreasonably. As in criminal cases, some people think that lawyers took bad family members’ money to speak to the bad guys. To sing the case to the Taiwan case: In handling civil cases, the client’s money is taken for the client’s interest: In administrative cases, it is to help “trouble people” to resist the government’s trouble finding a government. In addition to serving as a government lawyer, they think lawyers are serving the interests of individuals and small groups, not serving the interests of the country, not serving the public interest. Therefore, the fairness and justice of the lawyer’s occupation, there is a natural defect in the understanding of “justice and dilemma.” Some people do not accept lawyers,