本文介绍用平乐内服接骨丹进行动物实验,通过 X 线、组织学和组织化学检查及~3H-TdR 放射自显影.结果证明该药能促使骨缺损愈合时间提前36.62%,用药组与对照组相比有显著差异(P<0.01)。组织学和组织化学检查进一步证明该方有促使骨痴提前生长的作用。用~3H-TdR 放射自显影证明接骨丹有促进骨原生细胞增殖,细胞内 DNA 合成加速,成骨细胞机能活跃的作用.用药组细胞标记指数比对照组多211‰(P<0.01)。并使碱性磷酸酶增多及活性增强,糖原合成和利用迅速,胶原结合钙盐产生新骨质快,从而促进了骨折的愈合。
This article describes the use of Pingle orthopedics for animal experiments, through X-ray, histological and histochemical examination and ~3H-TdR autoradiography. The results show that the drug can promote bone defect healing time ahead of 36.62%, medication group and control group There was a significant difference (P<0.01). Histological and histochemical examinations further proved that this party has the effect of promoting bone growth in advance. Autoradiography with ~3H-TdR showed that Jiegu Dan promoted bone progenitor cell proliferation, accelerated intracellular DNA synthesis, and activated osteoblast function. The drug labeling index was 211 more than that of the control group (P<0.01). Increased alkaline phosphatase and increased activity, rapid synthesis and utilization of glycogen, collagen combined with calcium salts to produce new bone faster, thereby promoting the healing of fractures.