After Japan launched the Incident of September 18, the Soviet Union’s non-interventionist policy of neutralizing the incident was mainly based on the strategic interests of the country and sought to win a relatively peaceful external environment for it. The strategic meaning of non-intervention policy is to avoid getting involved in the conflict with Japan and not to provide Japan with an excuse to create an incident while at the same time using it as a tool for diplomatic struggle with Japan. However, the Soviet Union did not interfere in the implementation of the policy is to distinguish between neutrality and morality, the policy showed neutrality, moral but reflects the sympathy of China’s anti-Japanese military and civilian. The essence of a non-interference policy is a compromise, which is in itself beyond reproach. However, the factor that detrimental to China’s sovereignty in the Soviet Union’s compromise with Japan kept the policy of non-interference from being on the right track. The non-interference policy is complex, but it can not be concluded that the Soviet Union encouraged Japan to invade China.