为了讴歌新时代、弘扬正能量,让诗歌在涤荡灵魂的时候明亮而流畅、在抚慰心灵那一刻纯洁而深情,特举办第三届“中国·曹植诗歌奖”华语抒情诗大赛。一、活动组织主办:安徽省诗歌学会、《诗歌月刊》杂志社;承办:肥东县文联、肥东县八斗镇人民政府。二、征文主题用抒情的笔调对中华民族的时代风情、历史人文精神的描绘、赞美和热爱。三、征文体裁抒情诗,适合朗诵。四、来稿要求诗歌1 0 0行以内,每人限投一次;来稿请注明姓名、地址(邮编)、邮箱、联系电话等;
In order to sow a new era, carry forward the positive energy, so that when the poetry of poetry to clean the soul of bright and smooth, in the moment to soothe the heart of pure and affectionate, specially held the third “China Cao Zhi Poetry Award ” Chinese lyric contest. Organizer: Anhui Poetry Society, “Poetry Monthly” magazine; Undertake: Feidong County Federation of Literatures, Baidou Town People’s Government. Second, the theme of the essay Lyric of the era of the Chinese style of the times, depicting the history and humanistic spirit, praise and love. Third, essay style lyrics, suitable for recitation. Fourth, the manuscripts required poetry within 100 lines, each vote limit once; manuscript please indicate the name, address (zip code), e-mail, telephone number;