,THz wave emission from argon in two-color laser field

来源 :中国物理B(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sscy2002
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Terahertz (THz) wave emission from argon atom in a two-color laser pulses is studied numerically by solving the one-dimensional (1D) time-dependent Schr ¨odinger equation. The THz spectra we obtained include both discontinuous and continuum ones. By using the special basis functions that we previously proposed, our analysis points out that the discontinuous and continuum parts are contributed by bound–bound and continuum–continuum transition of atomic energy levels. Although the atomic wave function is strongly dressed during the interaction with laser fields, our identification for the discontinuous part of the THz wave shows that the transition between highly excited bound states can still be well described by the field-free basis function in the tunneling ionization regime.
马铃薯作为世界第四大粮食作物,被广泛的种植和食用。由致病疫霉引起的晚疫病是马铃薯最为严重的病害,严重威胁了马铃薯的生产。研究马铃薯晚疫病抗病机制对于马铃薯持久抗性育种具有重要的意义。本课题组前期克隆得到一个抗病相关基因St BL-SLG/PK,并获得干涉和超量转基因植株,晚疫病接种初步鉴定表明,St BL-SLG/PK参与马铃薯晚疫病抗性。本研究旨在对St BL-SLG/PK的功能进一步的研究,并
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齐有善相狗者①,其邻假②以买取鼠之狗。期年③乃得之,曰:“是④良狗也。”其邻畜⑤之数年,而不取⑥鼠,以告相者。相者曰:“此良狗也。其志在獐麋豕鹿⑦,不在鼠。欲其取鼠也则桎之⑧。”其邻桎其后足,狗乃取鼠。  (选自《吕氏春秋》,高诱注,上海书店出版社1986年,标题为编者所加)  [注释]  ①善:善于,擅长。相:观察,识别。②假:借,这里是“委托”的意思。③期年:一周年。④是:这。⑤畜:养。⑥取:
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