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普拉提是由德国的约瑟夫·普拉提创立并且推广的一种健身体系,是一种静力性健身运动,普拉提主要锻炼人体深层的小肌肉,强调对核心肌群的控制,再配合正确的呼吸方法所进行的一项全身协调运动;健美操是受广大群众喜爱的普及性比较强,集体操、音乐、舞蹈于一体的运动项目,两者有一定的相似性,都能促进学生的身心健康,但是两个运动项目的运动形式和影响效果不同,而且很多研究也表明现在的健美操教学需要注入新的血液,所以如何将普拉提内容融入到健美操教学中值得我们深究! Pilates is a fitness system founded and promoted by Germany’s Joseph Pilates. It is a static exercise. Pilates exercises the deep, small muscles of the human body. It emphasizes the control of the core muscles. With a correct method of breathing carried out by a body coordination exercise; aerobics is popular with the general public is more popular, collective gymnastics, music, dance in one of the sports, both have a certain similarity can promote The physical and mental health of students, but the sports forms and effects of the two sports are different, and many researches also show that the current aerobics teaching needs to inject new blood, so how to integrate Pilates into the aerobics teaching deserves our deep study !