壶井荣是著名的日本现代女作家。《蒲公英》一文是壶井荣散文中的精品,其构思的精巧,能使每一个读到它的人都赞叹不已。(已编入新编通用高中语文课本第一册) 这篇短文写了“我”和“孩子一般的小儿子”吹蒲公英茸毛的一个场面。作者冲破了时间和空间的限制,借助回忆,巧妙地将“我”一生中三个时期与蒲公英有关的一些生活片断有机地、集中地组织在这一个场面之中。文章以回忆“我”童年在和平环境中欢乐的生活开头:村里的孩子们一面唱着“提灯笼,掌灯笼,聘姑娘,扛箱笼,……”的童谣,“一面摘下蒲公英,深深吸足了气,‘甫’地一声把茸毛吹去”,“在春光弥漫的
Hu Jingrong is a famous Japanese modern woman writer. The article “Dandelion” is a fine example of Hu Jingrong’s prose. The conciseness of the idea makes it possible for everyone who reads it to be amazed. (Already included in the first edition of the new general high school language textbook.) This essay writes a scene in which “I” and “children’s youngest son” blow dandelion hairs. The author broke through the limitations of time and space, with memories, cleverly and organically and centrally organized the life segments related to dandelion in the three periods of “I” in this scene. The article begins with a happy life in memory of “I” childhood in a peaceful environment: The children of the village sing “Dragon lanterns, palms lanterns, hire a girl, carry a cage,...” Sufficiently sucked, and blew it with a bang, "in the spring