针对我国金枪鱼捕捞渔船上的无线电示位标装备现状,特别是为了防止盗取设备强占渔场的现象发生,对带有预警防盗功能的声纳示位标技术展开研究与试验,系统将渔用声纳与卫星电子浮标整体集成,利用水声数据采集技术与卫星数据通信技术,通过水下拾音器采集柴油机噪声的音频信息,该系统集成了卫星定位、声纳探测、无线电与卫星通讯,并开发出了嵌入式防盗设备,系统实现了示位标常规功能的同时增加了有效的预警防盗功能。可以提高我国金枪鱼鱼群探测信息化水平并保证设备的安全性。初步试验结果显示试验选用的渔民标准配备的挂机螺旋桨启动时的频率值稳定在8.5 kHz左右,且空蚀效应明显,在海洋噪声普遍高于10.3 kHz的环境下,嵌入式防盗系统在50~100 m范围内可准确实现设备的预警防盗,且抗干扰能力强,相比于其它防盗方式更为实时有效。
In view of the status quo of radio tagging equipment on tuna fishing vessels in China, especially in order to prevent theft of equipment by robbers, the research and experiment on the sonar beacon technology with early warning and anti-theft function are carried out. Integrated with satellite electronic buoys, the system integrates satellite positioning, sonar detection, radio and satellite communications using underwater acoustic data acquisition technology and satellite data communications technology to capture diesel engine noise through underwater pickups and has developed The embedded anti-theft device, the system achieved a bit standard function while adding an effective anti-theft alarm function. Can improve our tuna fish detection information level and ensure the safety of equipment. The preliminary test results show that the frequency of hang-on-board propeller equipped with standard fishermen is about 8.5 kHz, and the cavitation effect is obvious. Under the circumstance that the marine noise is generally higher than 10.3 kHz, the embedded anti-theft system is between 50-100 m range of equipment can be accurately early warning anti-theft, and anti-interference ability, compared to other anti-theft mode more real-time effective.