近年来 ,妨碍对公司企业管理秩序、违反公司法犯罪案件逐年增多 ,且在公安经侦部门侦办的经济犯罪案件中所占的比例日益提高 ,尤以侵占、挪用两类案件更为突出。由于此类犯罪涉案金额大 ,损失惨重 ,犯罪智能化程度高 ,案件发现往往较滞后 ,案犯极易携款潜逃 ,再加上因犯罪嫌疑人最终捕判不多而引起的打击不力。因此 ,如不引起高度重视 ,采取有力措施予以打击整治 ,此类犯罪有可能向恶性方向发展 ,社会危害将更大
In recent years, the number of criminal cases that violate the corporate management order of the Company and violate the Company Law has been increasing year by year. The proportion of economic crime cases investigated and handled by the public security and economic investigation department has been increasing day by day. In particular, the cases of encroachment and misappropriation are even more prominent. Due to the large amount of crime involved, the heavy losses and the high degree of criminal intelligence, the cases are often found to be lagging behind. The criminals are easily absconded with money and, in addition, they are not able to crack down due to the final suspicion of criminal suspects. Therefore, if we do not attach great importance to adopting effective measures to combat remediation, such crimes may develop in a vicious direction and social harm will be even greater