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云阳李家坝遗址是重庆三峡库区一处重要的古文化遗址,汉六朝时期墓葬集中分布地之一是遗址Ⅳ区乌龟包山顶及山腰。共清理18座,有竖穴岩坑墓、石室墓、砖室基三种类型,年代在新莽时期到六朝之间。本简报重点介绍了其中的5座典型墓葬,包括4座砖室墓和1座竖穴岩坑墓。根据不同墓葬埋葬单位器物组合和形制的具体分析,它们可分为三期五段:第一期为新莽时期到东汉早期,可分二段,早段为新莽时期,晚段为东汉早期;第二期为东汉中期偏晚至蜀汉时期,可分二段,早段为东汉中期偏晚至东汉晚期,晚段为东汉末至蜀汉时期;第三期为两晋或稍后。这批墓葬的发掘,为弄清楚李家坝遗址汉六朝时期聚落布局及不同时期聚落格局的变迁、认识峡江地区汉六朝墓葬地方性特征、进一步构建和完善峡江地区汉六朝墓葬年代序列等重要学术问题提供了一批新资料。 The site of Lijiaba in Yunyang is an important ancient cultural site in the reservoir area of ​​Three Gorges in Chongqing. One of the concentrated burial sites during the Han Dynasty and the Six Dynasties was the turtle pack hilltop and mountainside of Site IV. A total of 18 clean-up, there are vertical rock pit tomb, stone tomb, brick room three types of era, in the period between the New Mang period to the Six Dynasties. This briefing highlights five of the typical tombs, including four brick tomb tombs and one fossil cave tomb. According to the concrete analysis of the burial unit utensils of different burial units, they can be divided into five periods of five periods: the first period is from Xinmang period to the early Eastern Han Dynasty, the second stage can be divided into the early stage of the New Mang period and the later stage of the Eastern Han Dynasty ; The second period is Late Eastern Han Dynasty late to Shuhan period, can be divided into two sections, the early section of the late Eastern Han Dynasty to late Eastern Han Dynasty, Late Eastern Han Dynasty to Shuhan period; third period for the Jin Dynasty or later. These tombs excavations, in order to clarify the Lijiaba site during the Han and Han dynasties settlement pattern and the pattern of settlement during different periods of change, to understand the local characteristics of the tombs in the Han Dynasty in the Xiajiang River area to further build and perfect the Hanjiang Dynasty in the Han Dynasty tombs dating sequence A number of new materials have been provided on important academic issues.
The water-soluble conjugated polyelectrolyte, poly[3-(1′-ethyloxy-2′-N- methylimidazole)thiophene](PEOIMT), was prepared. Its photophysical and electrochemica
1.临床资料 本组24例急性有机磷农药中毒,占我院同期收治的急性中毒病人总数的60%,吞服量最小20ml,最多200ml,2例吞服量不详。男性7例,女性17例;年龄最小16岁,最大68岁,以17~3
安眠类药物主要归类于苯二氮 类抗焦虑药。临床主要用于镇静,催眠及抗癫痫。本类药物主要作用于边缘系统(尤其是杏仁核),其次是间脑,而对脑干网状结构作用不大。上述部位,特
在生产和生活中,含碳物质燃烧不完全,都可产生一氧化碳(CO)。如不注意煤气管道的密闭和环境的通风等预防措施,吸入过量CO后可发生一氧化碳中毒。1.病因 CO是无色、无臭、无
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