Silver-cadmium alloys have been phased out due to cadmium toxicity and replaced by silver-tin alloys increasingly widely used. This paper presents a new method for the determination of silver, copper, nickel, zinc, manganese and tin in tin-containing solder. The first five elements can be measured in the same sample sequence. Analysis Procedure 1. Determination of Silver Weigh accurately 0.5 g of the sample in a 250 ml plastic cup and add 4 drops of hydrofluoric acid (≥ 40%) and 6 ml of ultrapure nitric acid (1 + 1). Add a little urea to dissolve the nitrogen oxides. Add 0.5 ml of lactic acid and dilute to 80-90 ml with deionized water. With already weighed platinum mesh electrode as the cathode, 217-type saturated calomel electrode as the reference electrode, DJS-52 type control potential electrolysis instrument for electrolysis. First start mixing