劳斯莱斯,奢华不再是一场幻影当名贵的汽车进入时代生活以来,奢华的生活享受便随着科技与越来越发达的动力系统,驰骋于时代的风口浪尖。梦想,让每一部豪车都具备了不可比拟的人性空间和个性风格,随着第两千辆幻影加长版劳斯莱斯的问世,车的定义已经完全超越了其本身的功能与价值。追求汽车时尚的人一定要顾及汽车的动力性能及驾驶乐趣,凭借幻影车型,劳斯莱斯很快确立了它在全球超豪华轿车市场的领导地位。全新加长版幻影为顾及到客户需要,在原有的基础上加长250毫米,全长6084毫米的车身长度,使后座空间更为宽敞舒适,额外的内部空间,能够为客户度身订造特别的装备:如冰箱、饮料柜及特殊娱乐系统等,同时也可自己选定前排与后排距离,令车厢更能显出自己的品味。更完美地体现了“客户定制”的特点,只要是客户需要的,劳斯莱斯都可以做到。新款加长版幻影车型完全是手工制造,它依照幻影的方式,由劳斯莱斯汽车完成其设计、工程和手工制造。新款幻影的车身是迄今为止最大的铝合金空间架构,加长的车身是通过挤压车体结构,得以获得更多空间,而不是通过传统切割焊合, 不影响车身的扭转性能。乘坐劳斯莱斯就是体验无与伦比的感受,240 公里/小时的最高时速外部噪音却可以被降低到轻声耳语的水平,而超级坚固的底盘让人几乎感觉不到震动。
Rolls-Royce, luxury is no longer a phantom When luxury cars into the era of life, luxury of life will enjoy with science and technology and more and more developed power system, gallop in the cusp of the times. Dream, so that every luxury car has an unparalleled human space and personality style, with the 2000th Phantom extended version of Rolls-Royce’s advent, the car’s definition has been completely beyond its own function and value. The pursuit of automotive fashion must take into account the dynamic performance of the car and driving pleasure, with Mirage models, Rolls-Royce quickly established its leadership in the global super-luxury car market. The new extended version of Phantom to take into account customer needs, based on the original extension of 250 mm, length of 6084 mm body length, so that the rear seat space is more spacious and comfortable, extra interior space, tailor-made for customers special Equipment: such as refrigerators, beverage cabinets and special entertainment systems, but also their own choice of the distance between the front and rear row, so that compartment can show their taste more. More perfect reflects the “custom” features, as long as the customer needs, Rolls-Royce can do it. The new, longer version of the Phantom is entirely hand-made and completes its design, engineering and hand-crafting by Rolls-Royce in a phantom way. The new phantom body is by far the largest aluminum space structure, the extended body by squeezing the body structure, to get more space, rather than through the traditional cutting welding, does not affect the body’s torsional performance. Rolls-Royce is to experience the incomparable experience, 240 km / h maximum speed external noise can be reduced to soft whisper level, and the ultra-strong chassis makes almost no vibration.