Numerical Analysis of Hydrodynamic Pressure Induced by Fluid-Solid Impact

来源 :China Ocean Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leninho
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—As a further development of the authors’work(Huang and Qian,1993),in this paper a newnumerical method based on the time domain boundary element technique is proposed for solving fluid-sol-id coupling problems,in which a rigid body impacts normally on the calm surface of a half-space fluid.Afundamental solution to the half-space potential flow problem is first derived with the method of images.Then,an equivalent boundary integral equation in the Laplace transform domain is established by meansof Green’s second identity.Through the inverse Laplace transform and discretization in both time andboundary of the fluid region,the numerical calculation for the problem under consideration has been car-ried out.Several examples demonstrate that the present method is more efficient than existing ones,fromwhich it is also seen that the shape of the impacting body has a considerable effect on the total impactforce. -As a further development of the authors’work (Huang and Qian, 1993), in this paper a newnumerical method based on the time domain boundary element technique is proposed for solving fluid-sol-id coupling problems, in which a rigid body impacts normally on the calm surface of a half-space fluid. A fundamental solution to the half-space potential flow problem is first derived with the method of images. Chen, an equivalent boundary integral equation in the Laplace transform domain is established by means of Green’s second identity . Thhrough the inverse Laplace transform and discretization in both time andboundary of the fluid region, the numerical calculation for the problem under consideration has been car-ried out. Several examples demonstrate that the present method is more efficient than existing ones, fromwhich it is also seen that the shape of the impacting body has a considerable effect on the total impactforce.
文学与仿生(三题)………………………………………………………………………………………孙荪(1 .5)文艺的人文精神和文艺的历史精神…………………………………………………………
No .1Adheringto“effectbeingfirstwhilegivingconsiderationtofair”principleinnewstageZHANGLi- yan(6)………………………………………………………………………………………… No. 1Adheringto “effectbeingfirstwhilegivingconsiderationtofair” principlein
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针对低风压条件下潜孔锤冲击能量低、钻进效率低这一问题 ,利用计算机模拟仿真电算技术 ,对潜孔锤内部动力过程进行详细分析与研究 ,对其结构参数进行优化优选设计 ,成功研制
1 山东黄河水资源开发利用现状 山东省地处黄河最下游的黄泛平原,是重要的粮、棉、油生产基地。当地淡水资源十分缺乏,多年降水量偏少,且有明显的季节性。黄河是山东省主要