万民兴奋,举国欢腾,欢庆伟大的国庆十周年的到来!我国机床与工具工业战线上的全体职工,怀着激奋的心情,检阅我们在这条战线上十年来的伟大成就,来庆祝这一伟大的节日。 1949年中华人民共和国的建立,为我国机床与工具工业的发展,开辟了广阔的前途。经过三年的恢复整顿(1949~195
All the people were excited and celebrated the joy of the 10th anniversary of the National Day. The entire staff of the machine tool and tool industry on our country celebrated this year with great excitement and reviewed our great achievements in this front over the past decade. Great holiday. The establishment of the People’s Republic of China in 1949 opened up a broad future for the development of China’s machine tool and tool industry. After three years of reorganization (1949-195)