蘿卜(Raphanus sativus L.)为我国最古老的蔬菜作物之一,栽培极为广泛,是人民生活中一种重要根菜作物。我国农民在长期的栽培实践活动中,积累了极为丰富的经验,其中特别是按照蘿卜生长发育周期性规律在不同生育时期采取相应的栽培措施是各地生产经验中最重要的部分。根据毛主席在“矛盾論”中指出的“……如果人们不去注意事物发展过程中的阶段性,人们就不能适当地处理事物的矛盾”的教导,本文调查总结了农民对蘿卜生育周期性认识的
Radish (Raphanus sativus L.), one of the oldest vegetable crops in our country, is widely cultivated and is an important root vegetable crop in people’s life. Farmers in our country have accumulated a wealth of experience in long-term cultivation practice. Among them, especially taking the corresponding cultivation measures at different growth stages according to the regular pattern of growth and development of radishes is the most important part of production experience all over the country. According to Chairman Mao’s teaching in “Contradictions” that “if people do not pay attention to the stage in the development of things, people can not properly handle the contradictions of things,” the paper surveys and summarizes the farmers’ radiant growth cycle Know