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在二十世纪结束以后,梳理一下二十世纪散文的谱系,是很有意义的事。在我看来,这问题是“剪不断,理还乱”。五四以后,新的人物有一股与古代文学“一刀两断”的决心,一切从头来。其实不能如此,文化是斩不断的。这是“剪不断”的一面。但是废文言,用白话,又大大疏远了与传统的关系,加之外国文学 After the twentieth century has ended, it is very interesting to sort out the pedigree of twentieth-century prose. In my opinion, the problem is After the May Fourth Movement, the new characters have the determination to break away from each other with ancient literature. In fact, not so, culture is cut. This is the “never-ending” side. However, discarded classical Chinese, in vernacular, but also greatly alienated the relationship with the traditional, combined with foreign literature
有甲、乙两箱红枣,每箱内装1998颗。如果从乙箱中拿出若干颗红枣放入甲箱,甲箱的红枣颗数恰好比乙箱多40%。那么,从乙箱拿到甲箱多少颗红枣? There are A, B two boxes of d
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Background. Postpartum is known to be an important risk factor for stroke. Br omocriptine may induce cerebral angiopathy. Case description. We report the case o
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隈研吾建筑都市设计事务所与Comelius+Voge及景观建筑师MASU pianning公布了他们联合设计的丹麦欧登塞安徒生博物馆的设计方案。该项目将会取代现状的安徒生博物馆,主题从关
This paper is devoted to investigate the influences of thermal dispersion and magnetic field on a hot semi-infinite vertical porous plate embedded in a saturate
发展经过 RN-94(6×6)装甲输送车是由位于土耳其的努罗尔机械工业公司和罗马尼亚布加勒斯特SN罗马姆和SA菲利亚拉、S.C莫雷里公司共同研制的。 RN-94装甲输送车的研制始