
来源 :激光与光电子学进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jackind
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美国人诙谐地说,从任何新技术最早得益的都是出版商和市场研究者。新闻快报和市场导报关于光计算的报道表明光计算领域即将发生重要事件。然而,美国在此领域的绝大部分工作仍由国防部和安全部门(即中央情报局、国防情报局和国家安全局)资助。五角大楼的主要兴趣是控制武器系统,安全局的兴趣 Americans humorously say that the earliest benefit from any new technology is publishers and market researchers. News reports and market guide reports on light calculations indicate that important events are about to occur in the field of optical computing. However, the vast majority of U.S. work in this area is still funded by the Department of Defense and security agencies (ie, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and the National Security Agency). The main interest of the Pentagon is the control of weapons systems, the interest of the Security Bureau
<正> 金川铜镍矿发现于1958年,经过紧张的地质勘探,于1959年开始建厂。1966年后,一期工程陆续建成投产。1978年,全国科技大会把金川列为全国矿产资源综合利用的三大基地之一