教师要把课上得生动活泼,可用表演小品、猜谜来创造气氛,吸引学生的注意力,加深学生对知识的认识。 如我在讲休止符时,先叫一个学生上讲台和我一起作表演:学生扮我的老朋友,因去美国留学多年,现在回国了,我便去机场接他。表演分两次。第一次表演:我一转身,看到老友出现在机场,一边冲上前握住他的手,一边说:“唉呀!你终于回来了!太想你了。”第二次表演:我一转身,见到老友出现在机场,激动得满眼饱含泪水,呆了一呆才冲上前去,
Teachers need to create a lively and lively class. They can create atmosphere by performing skits and quizzes to attract students’ attention and deepen their understanding of knowledge. For example, when I was talking about rests, I first asked a student to perform on the podium with me. The students acted as my old friend. After returning to the United States for many years and returning home, I went to the airport to pick him up. The show is split twice. The first performance: When I turned around and saw my old friend appeared at the airport and rushed forward to hold his hand, he said, “Oh! You’re finally back! I miss you so much.” The second performance: As soon as I turned around and saw my old friend at the airport, I was filled with tears of excitement, and I stayed for a while until I rushed forward.